Logo of the Konditorei Zauner

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Confectionery &
Café Zauner

Vector graphic of the entrance door of the Cafe and Confectionery Zauner.

Tradition meets modernity:
culture of enjoyment since 1832

Front view of the white/gold sales counter of the Zauner confectionery.
Modern seating in Cafe Zauner - view from the counter through an arch into the seating area.
Modern seating in Cafe Zauner.

A melange, accompanied by a fresh pastry

At Zauner you don't just experience ordinary coffee enjoyment. Since the beginning in 1832, pastry culture has been part of the luxurious Zauner experience. Here, the traditional Austrian coffee culture is lovingly cultivated and combined with modern coffee variations. From Melange to Double Mocha to Cappuccino and Café Latte, we offer a variety of coffee specialties.

To accompany your coffee, there is Austria's largest cake buffet: sample around 250 exquisite cake creations and around 60 fine types of chocolates. The freshest ingredients and the traditional court confectionery mastery guarantee particularly sweet moments of enjoyment - a feast for the palate in the Zauner confectionery!


cake assortment

Here you can find our range of pralines


opening hours

Daily 08:30 – 18:00


Pfarrgasse 7
AT-4820 Bad Ischl

a dining room in the Kaffee Zauner furnished with classic, dignified and colorful furniture.

With our Art Nouveau Salon and the Green Salon, we are happy to offer the perfect setting for events of all kinds.

inquire now
Logo, imperial double eagle with Zauner's Z.

Our bakery:
A treasure trove

a confectioner takes the Zaunerstollen mold from finished Zaunerstollen.
Snapshot of Josef Zauner with the open pastry book
Vanilla crescents and vanilla pods lie in a silver bowl.

We celebrate Austrian confectionery! Every day, 30 confectioners and 8 chefs work diligently to produce high-quality baked goods. In one of the most modern bakeries, we not only maintain traditional recipes, but also constantly develop new, high-quality specialties. Our professionals in the bakery and in the restaurant kitchen set the highest standards in perfection and professionalism. As a training company, we regularly send our apprentices to competitions with success. We pass on our knowledge and passion for baking in our books.

We are also happy to create cakes for special occasions according to your personal wishes and ideas.

" "
a confectioner sprinkles powdered sugar over Kaisertorte.

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