For the concept and its implementation “Workers in the Tunnel”, the Zauner confectionery shop in Bad Ischl and the photographer Daniel Leitner were awarded Austria’s largest advertising prize. The Zauner confectionery shop in Bad Ischl commissioned Leitner Daniel to design a banner with strong content to inform customers about the renovation of the main store, "if possible with a wink," says Philipp Zauner. "Due to the renovation of the main store, many guests found themselves in front of closed doors. We wanted to set an accent, to bring a smile to the unhappy faces," Zauner continues. The theme "workers in the Stollen" was used ambiguously. A hollowed-out Zaunerstollen serves as a metaphor for the construction site. "The workers go into the tunnel, so to speak, to complete the reconstruction," says Leitner. The image is not, as one might think, a digital montage, but was planned down to the last detail and then photographed. The Upper Austrian Caesar advertising award is presented by the WKO (Advertising and Marketing Communications Section) for Upper Austria and is the largest advertising award in Austria in terms of entries. The celebratory award show with around 1,000 guests from business, advertising and politics took place on November 22nd in the Design Center in Linz. Here, Leitner Daniel as the award winner and Philipp Zauner as the client from the Zauner confectionery accepted the Caesar in bronze. The painting “Workers in the Tunnel” was on display this summer in the exhibition “Ambient Works” in the town hall of Bad Ischl.